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Other labels 13

  • Balance
    Moubootaur Legends / clientdata
    Relating to balancing the game and making it more fun and less grindy/frustrating
  • Bug
    Moubootaur Legends
  • Documentation
    Moubootaur Legends
  • Graphics
    Moubootaur Legends
  • Help Wanted
    Moubootaur Legends
    Please feel free to contribute!
  • Issue::Doing
    Moubootaur Legends
    For Issues in progress, means they were assigned to someone
  • Issue::To Do
    Moubootaur Legends
    [To Do] are stuff in need to be done (For issues)
  • Mapping
    Moubootaur Legends
  • Monsters
    Moubootaur Legends / clientdata
    Anything affecting monsters, both passive and aggressive
  • Music
    Moubootaur Legends / clientdata
    Everything related to music
  • Status::Archived
    Moubootaur Legends
    Content no longer relevant (or orphan)
  • Suggestion
    Moubootaur Legends
    Feature requests
  • needs rebase
    Moubootaur Legends
    Cannot be merged until a rebase is applied