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wait for the player to be added to block list

Administrator requested to merge github/fork/Helianthella/auth into master

Created by: Helianthella

The player is only added to the map block list after the client sends 0x007d so since the player is not in the list yet it is not sent to other players but it appears in the list and you can @hugo and @goto to them.

When the client connects to the server it sets connect_new to 0 and auth to 0. Then it waits for the client to authenticate and sets them both to 1. Finally, the first time the client loads a map it sets connect_new to 0. When connect_new is 0 and auth is 1 we can finally say the player is connected.

I also moved onlogin to after the motd because if we want onlogin to send messages to the player and not only set vars we should wait for the client to be ready.

Merge request reports