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deprecate builtin readparam & statusup2

Administrator requested to merge github/fork/Helianthella/getparam into master

Created by: Helianthella

First of all, this PR deprecates the readparam builtin because it is integrated into the get_val (internal) builtin. This means that if const.txt in server-data is set properly you can directly get properties like Int without the need for readparam.

Secondly, I have made the set builtin do the same thing as statusup2 when using params (does not affect normal variables).

This means that you can do things like set Str, Str - 9; and it will work as you would expect it to.

_Note:_ The params are in the form Val but for bonus you need to use the form bVal. For example: bonus bInt, -Int;. This is because bVal is an integer but Val is a param (so it returns the value). Therefore bVit always equals 15 but Vit equals the actual vitality.


Merge request reports