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deprecate gmcommand builtin

Administrator requested to merge github/fork/Helianthella/wgm-log into master

Created by: Helianthella

This PR is to deprecate the gmcommand builtin. It is still used for @l , @wgm , @alive , @killer , @killable and @blvl

the plan is: 🔳 deprecate killer and killable 🔳 make wgm into a builtin 🔳 make log into a builtin 🔳 make heal automatically resurrect when hp is 0 🔳 make scripts use wgm and gmlog builtins & fix fightclub

and when all this is done: make a new PR to remove gmcommand

to merge:

  1. merge this PR
  2. merge

later on, I will make another PR to remove the gmcommand builtin when is merged Since it's already merged I will deprecate gmcommand directly in this PR

Merge request reports