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Draft: small py2 fixes, port to py3 and enable & apply fixes for GitlabCI

Fedja Beader requested to merge specing/tmwa:CI into master

WIP py3 porting, left as draft for visibility. Deferred to until the server is migrated to 22.04. 18.04's py3.5 has poor out-of-the-box locales configuration and iirc does not work with attobuild's python.

Can someone with org access to TMWA add an attobuild repo copied from so that the submodule link can be updated to no longer refer to my personal repo?

I have squashed what was sensible from my perspective. If you would prefer the full, 32 commit version, say so, and I may bring it out of reflog.

Edited by Fedja Beader

Merge request reports