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Administrator requested to merge github/fork/Helianthella/scriptmsg into master

Created by: Helianthella


The type allows ManaPlus to know what the message is about, without having to guess

type meaning proposed default behaviour
0 misc information log in debug tab
1 🔰 GM message (spam filter, etc) log in General tab, highlight tab, play a sound
2 warning log in debug tab, highlight tab
3 action success log in debug tab, highlight tab
4 action failure log in debug tab, highlight tab
5 unexpected error log in debug tab, highlight tab
6 ©️ TMWA legal notice log in debug tab
7 📝 MOTD log in debug tab
8 scheduled broadcast log in General tab, highlight tab, play a sound
9 🎉 event (candor, etc) log in General tab, highlight tab, play a sound
10 quest update log in General tab, highlight tab, play a sound
11 🐞 advanced debug info log in debug tab, hidden by default

Default behaviour for all other types: log in debug tab, highlight tab

For all types, the player should be able to configure the destination tab, tab highlight, sound, text color

Merge request reports