Draft: Swamp fixing draft proposal: require teamwork between ranged and melee players to succeed
This MR is just for illustration purposes.
Idea: keep enchanters as something that warriors must deal with and turn doom golems into ranged problems.
- Lower DoomGolem AGI 22->1 . Now 100 dex lvl 90 archer has no issues hitting it.
- Double DoomGolem's ATK1 & ATK2.
- More than double its luck to 255 to ensure it hits hard. In testing the 105 luck version with tripled ATK1&2 was still doing only ~20 ish damage per hit to my rager build, the added luck is to ensure you can't just sauerkraut your way out of it.
- Reduce DoomGolem's range from 3 to 2.
- Reduce DoomGolem's def & mdef. Both to 10.
Result: now 100 DEX LVL 90 archer requires about 100 arrows to down it. Would be lovely to also slow it down a bit, but this will do as proof of concept. My rager warrior keeps dying to this new golem. Did not test magic.
Intentionally changed TMWA's mob files directly as this is meant to be WIP and to make testing of this proof of concept easier.