Mob drops
- replaced MaggotSlime with InsectSlime, BugLeg with InsectLeg and ChickenLeg with Bird (this became quite a bunch since many scripts used those)
- renamed current Carrot to its real name LegendaryCarrot
- added:
Bread 5333
Fungus 5334
Cheese 5335
LettuceLeaf 5336
Piberries 5337
Croconut 5338
HalfCroconut 5339
DeliciousCookie 5340
Manana 5341
Carrot 5342
PumpkinJuice 5343
ChocolateBiscuit 5344
ChocolateBunny 5345
Potatoz 5346
Pumpkin 5347
FruitSalad 5348
DuckEgg 5349
Dragonfruit 5350
PirateTreasureMap 5351
DungeonMap 5352
TreasureMap 5353
RubberDucky 5354
ButterButterfly 5364
JunglefowlEgg 5373
KingChonkyBirbEgg 5374
Sauerkraut 5379
TortugaShellFragment 5355
TortugaShell 5356
RattoTail 5357
RattoTeeth 5358
SilverKey 5359
MushroomSpores 5360
Snowflake 5361
BeeStinger 5362
Flour 5363
DuckFeather 5365
CrocClaw 5366
ScorpionClaw 5367
RedScorpionClaw 5368
BlackScorpionClaw 5369
GoldenScorpionClaw 5370
DragonScales 5371
DragonHorn 5372
JunglefowlFeather 5375
KingChonkyBirbFeather 5376
Honeycomb 5377
Beeswax 5378
- assigned most of the above items to some mobs and Sauerkraut is the vegan BirdLeg alternative now (same price / same shops)
Edited by HoraK-FDF