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A few mob corrections

Led Mitz requested to merge mob_corrections into master

Brainblows weren't attacking. I noticed they had the lowest attack delay of all the mobs so I changed that just in case, but the real issue seemed to lie in that they were not self destructing. I also noticed that all of the spawns in mobskills_db were not practical in the game. So if I had a spawn of 2 mobs and a spawn of 1 other type of mob, I needed to set the first spawn to a limit of 2, while the next mob that I only want one of would need to get set to 3. It seems that the amount of total spawns is cumulative, not limited per spawn. I also changed all notintown to always. If we have events in town, we want the mobs to work as intended when trying to siege the place. We should only need to limit player spawns, if anything at all. I'd prefer we remove that limitation too, though. Since Rick Lime's Brainblows should be fixed, I slowed his attack down to 800, which is still probably a bit too fast. Also, other self destruct mobs were set at [10, 10]. The Brainblows are still [100,100]. I'm not sure how bad they will be, but if dmg is multiplied from self destruct, then this will have to be lowered.

Merge request reports
