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Dungeon Master/Boss Event spells/actions toolkit by Hello=)

Hello TMW requested to merge Hello/serverdata:event-spells into master

This is bunch of "spells" (player actions) useful for player-controlled boss characters, KillGM, Dungeon Master roleplay and so on.

Also adds few FX effect constants to server side and rewires few "spells" to these. Effects on client side master already, so it completes puzzle (hopefully). Tested on local server and HoraK test server. Server restart needed to make it in effect.

The list of spells follows. They could only invoked by GM >= 40 by default.

Spell/boss action | Params      | Req's  | Notes
#mapdisarm        | none        | GM40   | Unequips hands/ammo slots of players within 12 tiles. Just little boss trickery.
#grenades         | none        | GM?    | Emulates grenade throw on anything within 5 tiles, damage = rand(Hp) for every player. Powerful but short range. 
#headshot         | <player>    | GM?    | Hits given player: Hp=1, Sp=1. For beefy bosses Hp=Hp/2. Useful to pacify damage dealers.
#maplifedrain     | none        | GM?    | Drains Hp/2 from all players in 12 tiles range, 50% of drained adds to boss's HPs. Gain clamped to 500 HP/player. Should have decent cooldown (not in test).
#mapmanadrain     | none        | GM?    | Drains all Mp from players in 16 tiles radius, puts mages out of action. Heals boss HPs.
#mappoison        | none        | GM?    | Mass-poisons all players within 12 tiles of boss, possibly forcing them to back-off a little.
#tormenta         | none        | GM?    | Starts fake-Tormenta emulation for 1500 seconds, beefs it up to 20K HPs. Works better than naive @charclass. Useful to play mini-boss (witch)?
#totheabyss       | none        | GM?    | Littles armageddon! Everything in 25 tiles (including caster!) damaged and thrown to Abyss. Useful if boss had enough and wants to finish battle soon.
#tothecrypt       | none        | GM?    | Littles armageddon! Everything in 25 tiles (including caster!) damaged and thrown to Crypt Lv3. Useful if boss had enough and wants to finish battle soon.
Edited by Hello TMW

Merge request reports
