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Audit of ranges and weights in items and mobs. some dmg and other small changes.

Led Mitz requested to merge range_fixes into master

fists, knives and 1-handed swords are all range 1. bonus of 20 given to swords. 2-handed weapons are almost all range 2 and polearms are 3. Mob ranges are more logical based on mob size and weapon, but many were left as range 2. Lady skeleton went from 2 to 1 and trolls went to 3 from 1, for example. Weights of items were also audited. The largest changes are in the lighter objects. e.g. A simple ring of weight 1 and a gem of weight 20 used to make a ring of 2, but now is 5 and 20 and makes the ring 25. Some little audits like that, but many changes to review.

Merge request reports