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Nerf Grim Reaper (sort of)

Jesusalva Jesusalva requested to merge github/fork/pazkero/jesusalva/nerf2 into master

Grim Reaper is currently a bit deadlier than I would like, so this applies a... nerf, of sorts.

The only real nerf to Grim Reaper is that it takes 1~2 seconds more to spawn the energy balls. The actual nerf is on the energy balls itself.

The Reaper spawns 3 balls which deal, together, 900 damage. A tanker will survive if, and only if, they're not hurt. Which won't be the case in such fight.

So lower the energy ball damage from 300 to 250 so they do 750 damage together (instead of 900). This means it won't immediately put out a tanker (but mages and rangers can still get taken out of picture this way), and with the extra heal time, they might just survive with intelligent food eating.

Merge request reports
