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Fixes for Golbenez NPC

Administrator requested to merge github/fork/dpskvn/master into master

Created by: dpskvn

Apart from fixing typos and grammatical errors (most notably the lack of apostrophes in possessive forms), I have made a couple of point of view corrections. An example would be the statement that Golbenez decides to ignore you. From a player's point of view, you would lack the necessary insight into what Golbenez is actually thinking to know that he decided on something. Instead, you just see him ignoring you.

Also, I changed the tone of Golbenez's dialogue, making it more formal, as that seems more appropriate for a demonic being, and also increases the contrast in unexpected situations, making for a more humorous setting when he i.e. asks for a cake. Finally, I tried to make the language flow more naturally overall.

Merge request reports