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[WIP] Fixes in translation generation (itstool)

Administrator requested to merge github/fork/nelson6e65/itstool-fixes into master

Created by: nelson6e65

This will fix issues on including unnecessary strings to be translated, like in monsters/*.xml (#299)

  • 1️⃣ Ignore strings that should not be translated from XML files (_monsters_), by adding ITS rules. Only "name" attribute/element are collected for translation.
    Rules for Monsters are in monsters/_monsters.its file, and can be used by running:
$ itstool monsters/monster*.xml -o "monsters.pot" -i "monsters/_monsters.its"
  • :two::question: Insert ITS rules directly in *.xml files to do not use -i command line option. Then, translatable strings can be collected just by runnig:
$ itstool monsters/monster*.xml -o "monsters.pot"


Edited by Administrator

Merge request reports
