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Updated some stuff to avoid crash

Thorbjørn Lindeijer requested to merge update-dependencies into master

On my system the website gave the following error on yarn serve:

Error: error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported

Updating the dependencies has resolved it for me. I tried to avoid dropping support for NodeJS 12, since our server runs 12.22.12-1nodesource1 according to Freeyorp.

  • vuejs/eslint-config-typescript 9.0.0 drops support for Node.js < v12.22.0, v13, >=v14 < v14.17.0, v15

  • typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin 6.0.0 drops support for Node.js v12 and v14.

  • compression-webpack-plugin 10.0.0 would require Node.js 14.15.0

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