diff --git a/graphics/sprites/monsters/mana-bug.png b/graphics/sprites/monsters/mana-bug.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..598716d510508adeec99cdecdab65ef77914ec63
Binary files /dev/null and b/graphics/sprites/monsters/mana-bug.png differ
diff --git a/graphics/sprites/monsters/mana-bug.xml b/graphics/sprites/monsters/mana-bug.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e35d76287af812f5385b9b0a2d191610f9604b99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/sprites/monsters/mana-bug.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+  <imageset name="base" src="graphics/sprites/monsters/mana-bug.png|W" width="16" height="16"/>
+  <action name="stand" imageset="base">
+    <animation direction="up">
+      <sequence start="0" end="1" delay="6" offsetY="-20"/>
+    </animation>
+    <animation direction="down">
+      <sequence start="12" end="13" delay="6" offsetY="-20"/>
+    </animation>
+    <animation direction="right">
+      <sequence start="4" end="5" delay="6" offsetY="-20"/>
+    </animation>
+    <animation direction="left">
+      <sequence start="8" end="9" delay="6" offsetY="-20"/>
+    </animation>
+    <animation direction="upright">
+      <sequence start="2" end="3" delay="6" offsetY="-20"/>
+    </animation>
+    <animation direction="upleft">
+      <sequence start="6" end="7" delay="6" offsetY="-20"/>
+    </animation>
+    <animation direction="downright">
+      <sequence start="10" end="11" delay="6" offsetY="-20"/>
+    </animation>
+    <animation direction="downleft">
+      <sequence start="14" end="15" delay="6" offsetY="-20"/>
+    </animation>
+  </action>
+  <action name="walk" imageset="base">
+    <animation direction="up">
+      <sequence start="0" end="1" delay="7" offsetY="-20"/>
+    </animation>
+    <animation direction="down">
+      <sequence start="12" end="13" delay="7" offsetY="-20"/>
+    </animation>
+    <animation direction="right">
+      <sequence start="4" end="5" delay="7" offsetY="-20"/>
+    </animation>
+    <animation direction="left">
+      <sequence start="8" end="9" delay="7" offsetY="-20"/>
+    </animation>
+    <animation direction="upright">
+      <sequence start="2" end="3" delay="7" offsetY="-20"/>
+    </animation>
+    <animation direction="upleft">
+      <sequence start="6" end="7" delay="7" offsetY="-20"/>
+    </animation>
+    <animation direction="downright">
+      <sequence start="10" end="11" delay="7" offsetY="-20"/>
+    </animation>
+    <animation direction="downleft">
+      <sequence start="14" end="15" delay="7" offsetY="-20"/>
+    </animation>
+  </action>
+  <action name="attack" imageset="base">
+    <animation direction="up">
+      <frame index="0" delay="50" offsetY="-24"/>
+      <frame index="1" delay="50" offsetY="-36"/>
+      <frame index="2" delay="50" offsetY="-84"/>
+      <frame index="3" delay="60" offsetY="-52"/>
+      <frame index="2" delay="60" offsetY="-36"/>
+      <frame index="1" delay="60" offsetY="-28"/>
+      <frame index="0" delay="60" offsetY="-24"/>
+      <end/>
+    </animation>
+    <animation direction="down">
+      <frame index="0" delay="50" offsetY="-16"/>
+      <frame index="1" delay="50" offsetY="-4"/>
+      <frame index="2" delay="50" offsetY="44"/>
+      <frame index="3" delay="60" offsetY="12"/>
+      <frame index="2" delay="60" offsetY="-4"/>
+      <frame index="1" delay="60" offsetY="-12"/>
+      <frame index="0" delay="60" offsetY="-16"/>
+      <end/>
+    </animation>
+    <animation direction="right">
+      <frame index="4" delay="50" offsetY="-20" offsetX="4"/>
+      <frame index="5" delay="50" offsetY="-20" offsetX="16"/>
+      <frame index="6" delay="50" offsetY="-20" offsetX="64"/>
+      <frame index="7" delay="60" offsetY="-20" offsetX="32"/>
+      <frame index="6" delay="60" offsetY="-20" offsetX="16"/>
+      <frame index="5" delay="60" offsetY="-20" offsetX="8"/>
+      <frame index="4" delay="60" offsetY="-20" offsetX="4"/>
+      <end/>
+    </animation>
+    <animation direction="left">
+      <frame index="8" delay="50" offsetY="-20" offsetX="-4"/>
+      <frame index="9" delay="50" offsetY="-20" offsetX="-16"/>
+      <frame index="10" delay="50" offsetY="-20" offsetX="-64"/>
+      <frame index="11" delay="60" offsetY="-20" offsetX="-32"/>
+      <frame index="10" delay="60" offsetY="-20" offsetX="-16"/>
+      <frame index="9" delay="60" offsetY="-20" offsetX="-8"/>
+      <frame index="8" delay="60" offsetY="-20" offsetX="-4"/>
+      <end/>
+    </animation>
+  </action>
+  <action name="dead" imageset="base">
+    <animation direction="default">
+      <frame index="12" delay="70" offsetY="-19" offsetX="2"/>
+      <frame index="13" delay="70" offsetY="-18" offsetX="4"/>
+      <frame index="14" delay="70" offsetY="-17" offsetX="8"/>
+      <frame index="13" delay="70" offsetY="-16" offsetX="10"/>
+      <frame index="12" delay="75" offsetY="-15" offsetX="8"/>
+      <frame index="13" delay="75" offsetY="-14" offsetX="4"/>
+      <frame index="14" delay="75" offsetY="-13" offsetX="2"/>
+      <frame index="13" delay="75" offsetY="-12" offsetX="0"/>
+      <frame index="12" delay="80" offsetY="-11" offsetX="-2"/>
+      <frame index="13" delay="80" offsetY="-10" offsetX="-4"/>
+      <frame index="14" delay="80" offsetY="-9" offsetX="-6"/>
+      <frame index="13" delay="80" offsetY="-8" offsetX="-8"/>
+      <frame index="12" delay="85" offsetY="-7" offsetX="-10"/>
+      <frame index="13" delay="85" offsetY="-6" offsetX="-8"/>
+      <frame index="14" delay="85" offsetY="-5" offsetX="-6"/>
+      <frame index="13" delay="85" offsetY="-4" offsetX="-4"/>
+      <frame index="12" delay="90" offsetY="-3" offsetX="-2"/>
+      <frame index="13" delay="90" offsetY="-2" offsetX="0"/>
+      <frame index="14" delay="90" offsetY="-1" offsetX="2"/>
+      <frame index="15" delay="3000" offsetY="0" offsetX="0"/>
+    </animation>
+  </action>
diff --git a/graphics/sprites/monsters/snowflower.png b/graphics/sprites/monsters/snowflower.png
index bad5b12bf80b2c4e1d8c9c6f503782ad02c94411..d0018b4c03d814f3ff77700acba1a184cd48d645 100644
Binary files a/graphics/sprites/monsters/snowflower.png and b/graphics/sprites/monsters/snowflower.png differ
diff --git a/graphics/sprites/monsters/snowflower.xml b/graphics/sprites/monsters/snowflower.xml
index e9ead4bc0bcdf432316476114895f4992a48ee8d..4670fccc14905eba7dc07b9cae2db3e76ab7ea22 100644
--- a/graphics/sprites/monsters/snowflower.xml
+++ b/graphics/sprites/monsters/snowflower.xml
@@ -1,14 +1,50 @@
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
-  <imageset name="base" src="graphics/sprites/monsters/snowflower.png" width="29" height="27"/>
+  <imageset name="base" src="graphics/sprites/monsters/snowflower.png" width="58" height="45"/>
   <action name="stand" imageset="base">
-    <animation>
+    <animation direction="down">
       <frame index="0"/>
+    <animation direction="left">
+      <frame index="6" offsetX="0" offsetY="-1"/>
+    </animation>
+    <animation direction="up">
+      <frame index="12"/>
+    </animation>
+    <animation direction="right">
+      <frame index="18"/>
+    </animation>
+  </action>
+  <action name="attack" imageset="base">
+    <animation direction="down">
+      <sequence start="1" end="4" delay="100"/>
+      <end/>
+    </animation>
+    <animation direction="left">
+      <sequence start="7" end="10" delay="100"/>
+      <end/>
+    </animation>
+    <animation direction="up">
+      <sequence start="13" end="16" delay="100"/>
+      <end/>
+    </animation>
+    <animation direction="right">
+      <sequence start="19" end="22" delay="100"/>
+      <end/>
+    </animation>
   <action name="dead" imageset="base">
-    <animation>
-      <frame index="1"/>
+    <animation direction="down">
+      <frame index="5"/>
+    </animation>
+    <animation direction="left">
+      <frame index="11"/>
+    </animation>
+    <animation direction="up">
+      <frame index="17"/>
+    </animation>
+    <animation direction="right">
+      <frame index="23"/>
diff --git a/license.txt b/license.txt
index c0d93814ffc4e5f080d58d0af27f89c4cfb07488..6c6aa4716cf6e93df660c0a10188816ade8409fe 100644
--- a/license.txt
+++ b/license.txt
@@ -793,6 +793,7 @@ http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
     graphics/sprites/monsters/logmonster.png (FotherJ)                                                        (GPLv2), (CC BY-SA 3.0)
     graphics/sprites/monsters/maggot-giant.png (????, Neoriceisgood)                                          (GPLv2)
     graphics/sprites/monsters/maggot.png (Neoriceisgood)                                                      (GPLv2)
+    graphics/sprites/monsters/mana-bug.png (Meway)                                                            (GPLv2), (CC BY-SA 3.0)
     graphics/sprites/monsters/moggun.png (Modanung, Pateame)                                                  (GPLv2)
     graphics/sprites/monsters/mouboo.png (Yuuki)                                                              (GPLv2)
     graphics/sprites/monsters/mouboo-demonic.png (Cassy, Yuuki)                                               (GPLv2)
diff --git a/monsters.xml b/monsters.xml
index 6804134ada4f621e5be23da5762dffa92e398b59..42dcf9505d30dcf8f97fd650470c9882240669e5 100644
--- a/monsters.xml
+++ b/monsters.xml
@@ -673,4 +673,8 @@
     <sound event="hit">monsters/shroom/shroom-hit1.ogg</sound>
+  <monster id="1131" name="Mana Bug" targetCursor="small">
+    <sprite>monsters/mana-bug.xml|#660000,FF3300,FFCC99,FFCCCC</sprite>
+    <sprite>monsters/accessories/generic-shadow-small-circle.xml</sprite>
+  </monster>